Upcoming events.
Bean Burgers & Almond Cheese
Our final session of 2022! Come enjoy homemade black bean burgers and homemade almond cheese. We will discuss supplementation with plant based diets.
Week 1
Dinner: Chickpea sandwiches
Topic: Introduction, group brainstorm, volunteer opportunities
Second meeting!
5:30-6p Community connection and dinner
6-6:50p Topic Discussion
Begin with shares (10 min)
What is diabetes? (20 min) - interactive/discussion/questions
How can we use our nutrition to prevent/reverse diabetes? (20 min)
What do we want to cook together next week?
6:50-7p Reflection and gratitude's
To join the group, email gaby@yoncallagrassroots.com
First meeting!
5:30-6p Intro & Burrito Bowls (recipes here)
This meeting is for you, this is your time, for your wellness
We are each others teachers and supporters
We will focus on progress not perfection, and self-compassion
Create shared group expectations
Creation of phone list for inter-meeting support and connection (Whats App group?)
6-6:50p Topic Brainstorm
What wellness aspects want to work on (self-compassion, attunement, emotional eating?)
What nutrition topic to we want to discuss first? And who has experience with this (these folks may act as future discussion leaders)
6:50-7p Reflection and gratitude's
To join the group, email gaby@yoncallagrassroots.com